How To Exfoliate With Scrub

lady exfoliating her skin

After soaking your face and body thoroughly in a warm shower.

Scoop a small portion of your scrub and scrub all over your body with your palms.

Scrub it in very well into your skin and keep scrubbing for 3 minutes non-stop.

Afterwards, leave the scrub on your skin for a few minutes so that your skin will benefit from the nutrients that are present in the scrub, before washing it off.

While your skin is still moist apply a good moisturizing cream or oil that won’t clog your pores.

You will notice a visible difference in your skin texture and tone.

Until you have exfoliated your skin, you will have a lot of dirt clogging your pores.

Exfoliation should be done 2 to 3 times a week.

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